Mastering in Excel for Future Professionals/Leaders
Your first performance in your first job is dependent on Excel or Power-point mostly. So don’t miss our Beginner Excel Training. Unlock Your Potential to prove yourself ready for Entry Level Job. This Training is Designed for Fresh graduates and New Joiner in Corporate. It will give you an unbeatable edge to start your high performing day in Corporate. Best Expert and Corporate Practitioner will conduct the training. We shall provide training in computer lab so no need to carry your own.
Key components of the Training:
- Basic Excel Skills
- Certificate of Completion
- Expert and Practitioner-Led Training
- Unbeatable Edge in the Corporate World
- Dedicated Computer Lab
- Tips and Tricks
Day-1 (Basic Excel Functions)
Common Excel Tools with Examples and Practice Sheet:
- Workbook (New, Open, Save, Save As, Close)
- Worksheet (Insert, Modify, Move, Copy, Delete, Rename, Hide/ Unhide)
- Rows, Columns (Insert, Copy, Cut, Delete, Hide/ Unhide)
- Cells and Range (Select, Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete)
- Convert worksheets into PDF file
- Paste Special tricks by Values, Formulas, Validation and Transpose
- Smartest and Fastest way to Paste as Values
- Search for a value in the whole workbook
- Freeze top rows or left columns while scrolling data
- Arrange open workbooks as Titled, Horizontal, Vertical, Cascade
- Insert, Edit, Re size and Hide Comments
- Permanently display Comments
Introduction of Functions and Formulas in Excel with Case Solving:
- Using Formula Bar for writing formulas
- Entering formulas directly in cells
- Using the Insert Function dialogue box
- Finding the appropriate function for a task
- Adding all numbers in a range using SUM Function
- Counting total numbers or texts with COUNT-COUNTA function
- Finding smallest and largest values with MIN- MAX function
- Rounding decimal numbers
Day-2 Sessions
Short Cuts in Excel:
Time saving Shortcuts with Cheat sheet
Quickly enter Today Date and Current Time
Fastest way to use SUM function
Instantly display Format Dialog box
Go to last or first cell in a column or row
Select data up to last row, last column quickly
Enter values in many cells at once
Insert new lines inside a same cell
Views and Comments
- Freeze top rows or left columns while scrolling data
- Arrange open workbooks as Titled, Horizontal, Vertical, Cascade
- Insert, Edit, Re size and Hide Comments
- Permanently display Comments
Charts and Trend Lines
- Working with Chart Components (Axis, Categories, Series, Legend)
- Re sizing, Moving and Copying Charts
- Formatting and Styling Charts with 2D, 3D and Round effect
- Creating Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area and Scatter Charts
Chart Trend Lines (Linear, Exponential, - Polynomial and Moving Avg)
Introduction of Advance Tools for Practical Application in Corporate
- Pivot-Table ( Reporting; Cost Calculation; Location wise demand mapping )
- V-Look Up ( Demand Supply Planning )
- Goal Seek ( Break Even Point Calculations; Limiting Business Value Propositions )
- Solver ( Distribution Network Optimization )
- Drop Down List and Validation ( Down Time Analysis & Capturing Records )